Saturday, September 21, 2002

well... this was supposed to be posted two days ago but there is some sort of problem when i tried to post this log, so if u manage to read this...everythings thru...
Hi...i'm back.....went to cybercafe yesterday night....yah....cannot practice self-restraint. but this time i'm not going online.just went there to practice my hands on some LAN games. study? oh, i almost forgotten about it....alrite study after i finish this first...

the main reason i write today is to talk about something that happened during my game playing time there. while halfway into my game session (i played 2 hours there) a huge commotion broke out. it almost turn into a big fight, n i really mean BIG FIGHT, had the administrator not intervened. well...the cause of the commotion? just some insults n jokes that some ppl couldn't take.

it goes like this.cheating, jokes n insults are quite common in this game (i'm playing CounterStrike that time). inthe game there are two groups of ppl playing... 1 group chinese, the other malays.In the game, the chinese were unhappy with those malays playing cheats... then they start to insult those cheaters...those insults are quite racial, mind the malays responded...n insults flies...first it was a war of words.....then, it's *CRASH! BOOM! BANG!*

actually...both are at fault here.....first the chinese. (hehehe..i'm part of this group but i didn't involve myself in that problem....for what?) if they couldn't stand other ppl playing cheats, they should've just leave n play another game. why would they want to mulut gatal? second, the malays. it's fine if they don't wanna play fair, but couldn't they just admit their fault & be a bit more patient?

it's hard for me to believe that after 45 years of independece, this kinda thing still happens...even a latest report shows this kind of pattern starting to emerge among young malaysians.(i forgot the name of the report nor the institution that ran it but i read it in an academic mag not long ago) sigh....after all the hard work our government took to promote racial harmony, these youngsters still do not now what is correct & what is wrong. this racial feeling furthermore strenghtened by those claiming to be hero championing the rights of THEIR RACE. man.....what a dumbo....we are now malaysians could they consider themselves to be leader if what they did is for their own good? if what they lead was just their own ppl n not the whole malaysian? shame on them. "community" leaders. we will never achieve racial harmony if we consider ourselves to be chinese, to be malays, to be indians n whatsoever. only when we consider ourselves to be true MALAYSIANS then we may live happily together. but this is what most malaysian youngsters lack of. yes i don't deny that some of us never had any racial feeling, treating others as our own but to compare the numbers, this is a job many have to work on. sigh....malaysia...u still have a very long way to go....