Thursday, August 25, 2005

How much is ur Value?

"If we know that God made us and because of that, He loves us deeply - then our value or self-worth comes not from ourselves but from the "Ultimate Being". That is like getting an endorsement from the only Person who can really value us. So when you feel down and feel like nobody loves and understands you - imagine this, if you can

'A RM100 bill, dirty and stepped on by many people - is still valued at RM100; the value of it is not determined by how people treat or mistreat it, how nice or horrible its life experiences were - but it's value is determined by the Maker'

"I love myself, There is a purpose for me in this world, I will do my best to live this life I have, I will love others as I love myself".

- Quoted from Hustler (SleekBlackMercedes)


However i'd like to add something here... as per the first saying, still, we too as a human being need to make effort to place our self-worth in a respectable position.

"A RM100 bill, dirty and stepped on by many people - is still valued at RM100"

There may be ring of truth there, but allow me to present a different angle to this? It is still valued at RM100 bcoz there are people who accepted its perceived value. Perhaps instead of RM100, why not we substitute it with a RM0.01 coin?

Well, from here onwards, does anybody care about it's value? Often i saw alot of ppl who just ignores the fallen 1 cent coins by the road side, unwanted. When we received 1 cent coins in changes, often we'd just dump it into the donation boxes, or leaving it on the counter, disgusted at its very presence among ur money, don't u?

U may say bcoz The Maker has made its value so low, but isn't it still, money, a form of currency, trade and exchange? Doesn't it deserve the very same place as the RM100 bill? After all RM100 is the totalled amount of 100,000 1 cent coins!

Alas, how can we compare between value of money and value of human beings together? Though it sounds logical, the very use of this analogy is already incorrect as both values sits on a different plane and platform altogether!

Now back to my statement to placing our self-worth, our value at a respectable level... Shouldn't we at least have respect for ourselves? Though from the quote, our value are determined by The Maker, doesn't mean we can do whatever and however we liked, thinking that we'll still be the same... Havent we heard of the saying, "Fallen out of grace", or more specifically, "Fallen out of Our Lord's Grace"? Look at what happened to Adam and Eve!? (Casted out from Heaven after committing Sin)

Are we so desperate to gain someone's attention, or to please somebody, be it yourself or anyone else, that u'd stoop so low doing and giving just about anything?
Well, my friends... these are the conducts of a person who no longer has any value, regardless of how much value The Maker has set out in the beginning. He/She has used up/last out his/her values. We cant go on committing foolish acts, thinking that after the deed is done, if we are really sincere and honest, Lord will absolutely forgive us... and reinstate our value (or self-worth) back to before... surely there is a record, a scar somewhere that can never be erased...

Hello? Adam and Eve never got back into Heaven, see?

Eventually it falls back not on whether how much value u are made of, but rather how much value u are putting urself as and in return, how much value other people would perceive u are worth, based on ur own values (or self-worth, if u want) .So tell me, how much do u value urself?

Remember this;

"I love myself, There is a purpose for me in this world, I will do my best to live this life I have, I will love others as I love myself".