Monday, July 07, 2003 how's the "Malaysian Bloggers Meet", u might ask.... hell, yeah... i was kinda disappointed, that the event is's just that...i couldn't even realise whether the event is on or not!

i was there...really... i was already at klcc by 9am...although the scheduled meet is on 10. but then again, initially i was expecting a huge crowd to turn out but still by 10, i still couldn't see ANY group.... heck....i was thinking...ok, 10am malaysian time, wil not quite be 10 am in reality, though.... so i wait n wait n wait, i was 'lepak'ing outside dome cafe watching the preparation of AXN malaysia event n then by 10:30 i stil couldn't see any happenning at i was like... err...excuse me? what the heck is happening? aww shucks! i hate this... so in the end, i made up my mind to just walk off... what a waste of time... went back to klang, have a cs session for a couple of hours n then that's it... this is BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!!! sheesh...

ok kick that out now, i'm about to face the mid term exam next week... i dunnolah... there's a lot of things i haven't done, n now here comes the exam! wowsers....! ok...getting away now....don't wana lose lot more time!