Friday, October 14, 2005

One day, i'm gonna buy this car! I love it!! It's The new Honda City!!!

Well frankly, this is one excellent car which i can afford to buy sometime in future, though, of course i'd love to own a Beemer ler, well, if i can afford it... but none the less this is absolutely gorgeous!!! A marked improvement from the "CACAT" look of it's previous model, and definitely a whole lot better than that WIMPY Toyota Vios...

hehe... sorry if i offended u Vios fans, but this is just my personal opinon, i'm a Honda (and BMW) fans after all... if u don like it, just ignore it!

BUT.... in the meantime, i guess my first car would be a cheaper one, a Myvi most probably, since my girl like that model so much... maybe will buy it around next year after my graduation... and while i work my arse off to pay off the loan instalments of Myvi, allow me to drool over this beau....