Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hi all...

sorry for my reduced frequency of postings lately... It's semester break now and i've been in my parents home for a week, without access to the net... since my house is using TM Home Prepaid, making the tmnet charge a bill killer, thus, i'd not want to waste my parent's money on net access. even now i'm posting from a cybercafe, and i dont intend to spend long time typing... heck it's LAN game playing time, for pete's sake!

so i guess i'll start posting again as soon as i get my arse back to sg. long. for now i have a few issues to yak about but being in my parent's home in klang makes me lethargic... ok, ok.. i admit, i'm just plain LAZY. happy? anyway not feeling like typing long winding grandma story at all, even for saving it up to post it at other time. all i want is just to sleep like a log and wake up whenever i desires... hey, we dont get much of a semester break anyway, rite?

alas... it was never meant to be. as long as ur parents are still within earshot, u're bound by the house rules, no matter whether u are 3, 13, 23 or even 53! no late nites, must wake up early, complete house chores, add some more task ur mom throws at u, clean-this-clean-that-coz-chinese-new-year-is-coming, that door/ceiling/wall/room/gate needs a new coat of paint... man, everytime i go back, i feel like i'm an indon or a bangla...

guess that explains a lil' bit on why i prefer to stay away on my own rather than with my parents... this is one of the issues i planned to yak though... anyway i'm not gonna write now... suffice to let u ppl know that i'm still alive, although in a hibernation stage. i'll be back as soon as the semester break ends and i'm back in sg. long. by the way i passed all of my subjects this sem. alrite, till then, over and out.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I had some trouble sleeping last night; been thinking of you, been missing you ever so much.
More than a lover, more than a friend, my very own soulmate,
someone who knows and accepts me for who I am,
my weaknesses and with my strengths.

In you, I find peace and in you, I am complete.

You know, I will always remember the first time I ever laid eyes on you
Your face is so lovely to look at that I was overwhelmed with excitement

And the side glances that you gave me whilst seated far across the room
Only served to say what we never spoke of but felt deep within our hearts

Little did I dare to even hope that you will ever have similar feelings for me
And when you became mine, I felt like I had indeed conquered the World..

I love you for all that you are to me and for all the wonderful things you have shared with me
in the past and the wonderful future that we'll share...
I miss your smile and your laughter.You complete me, my love...........
I'll miss you everyday until we meet again.

Even now, it feels so unbearable to be apart from you
The thing about the person most precious to you
Is that you only know how much you miss them
When they are no longer with us...

I am glad that I realise this when you are now with me.
I will miss you everyday and every moment that you are away from me.
And daily, I'll be counting the days, the hours, the minutes and the seconds until you are back in my arms again, my love...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A perfect evening tea in IKEA,
a few pieces of tasty (serious!!!) curry puff and
an aromatic cup of cappucino...

mmm... life is indeed much sweeter if we realise even the simplest pleasures of life...

Lone Ranger...

A thorn among the roses... ooops, A rose among the thorns...

A single BICYCLE stands proudly among the row of it's more glamorous two-wheeled cousins, AT motorcycle parking bay in McDonalds Mutiara Damansara...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A quick reminder to all of u who wants to read Dan Brown' novels here... u have to read Angels and Demons first before proceeding with Da Vinci Code, coz thats how the story runs... have fun reading!
hey hey... i'm back, it's 3.30am now and i'm (so called) reading and studying for the first paper of my sem finals at 9am later... basically i have no clue to wat i have been studying for this one whole sem on this subject but i guess it wont be of much trouble... after all this paper's subject would be Organisational Development, something that i'm encountering (always) in my line of work...

talk about how to change, suggest & implement changes to systems or process, yada-yada... with all those management speak... frankly i'm starting to get bored of this... all i have to do is just yak away using all those technical and management terms without myself even understanding it's significance, meaning or purpose... all i get is, "just do it like dis..."

somehow, i sense that, by using all these geek speak will conjure a sense of "houlier-and-smarter-than-thou-so-u-gotta-listen-to-everything-i-say" to our clients (whoever they may be...) and scare them into accepting whatever propsal we force down into their throat... after all i do get a specific guide book on general recommendations for all cases and report i wrote and send back to my employer... yeah, rite... so called "guide" konon... when the unwritten rule that it should be included in all of the reports i wrote... sometimes i just have to copy and paste from my old reports, and still it was passed and i get my pay for a completed assignment... not very impresive, i know... but that's what i have been doing to earn a meagre pocket money, haha....

honestly, i pity the fella (the clients who seek my employer's service) who are forced to read all the mangled rubbish, barely understanding it and finally have to figure out a plan based on the recommendations, thinking it must have been written by a top grade analyst, unknowing of the truth that it had been written by an undergraduate who's struggling to keep his grades above water... bwahahaha....

anyway, that's the truth of working world... it is dirty, yeah... full of deception and illusions... for those who never encountered this uglier side, then i guess u can continue living in ur utopia where work is all honest and u get what u put in. hahaha... u think by paying thousands of RM to a reputable company to analyse ur structure, SWOTs and potentials, u'd get something of equal value, but in fact u get reports written by grossly underpaid (tens of RM per report, more than 1 but never more than 5 reports per assignment) monkey who know nuts!

oh yah... talking bout lies and deception, today i finished reading another one of Dan Brown's bestselling novel, Deception Point... heheh... nice story, but same principle... the seemingly good guy turned out to be the culprit... and so on and so on... but it's interesting, none the less... now i can start to properly read DaVinci Code after just bouncing the pages a few months back...

and how the heck am i gonna study properly with all this rubbish thing i'm doing now? reading novel? typing this blog out?? in the middle of finals exam??? i must be outta my mind... hahaha, signing out now... till my next update!